Wednesday, April 11, 2007


There have been a good share of firsts around here.

First smile. Ryder has been practicing this one a lot, but until recently it was in his sleep. Now we get some good ones while he is awake and they are most frequent when getting his diaper changed. Funny since that used to be the thing that made him the most angry.

First surgery. Ryder had surgery on his tongue on April 4. It was very quick and he has healed really well. He was a little bit cranky for the next couple of days afterwards, but can you blame him? He's learning how to use his tongue now and completely re-learning how to eat. I think we are making some progress.

First Easter and First time to church (same day). We made it to church for the first time as a family and then went to Jaime and Shane's for dinner. Ryder got to spend some time with his cousins and went on his first Easter egg hunt (with Dad's help of course). He got four eggs, but Mom and Dad ate the candy.

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