Our day started out last night at 11pm. Ryder woke up wheezing and having some serious problems trying to breathe. He was also very hoarse and coughing. After 15 minutes he seemed to be doing better and showed us by entertaining us with a chorus of blowing raspberries and showing us exactly how long his tongue is. These tricks are incredibly cute - during the day. At night time when he should be sleeping, not so much. We spent the rest of the night trying to make Ryder comfortable and get him to sleep. I ended up propping myself in a sitting position with many pillows on the futon and holding him upright since that was the only way he could breathe. At the most he got 5 hours of sleep total and I got 2.
After this episode we took Ryder to the Dr. The Dr. says he has a cold and probably had a mild attack of croup last night. And there is nothing we can do but let things run their course. I hate letting things run their course. They take so long!
Once we got home I made my Halloween costume, cleaned the suburban, decorated our "trunk" for the Trunk or Treat event with church, which made me wonder why I cleaned it in the first place since I filled it with cobwebs, and made some cornbread for the same event.
Ryder was a cow for his first Halloween, I was a "got milk" ad to go along with the cow theme of course. Jeremy was himself . . . I guess that is a lot of work to be him so he didn't have the time to be something else for an evening. We went to "Trunk or Treat" and I ran out of candy! That is so bad. I bought 3 big bags and figured we would be stuck with some extra. Anyways, after I ran out of candy I felt so bad telling the kids that we didn't have any candy I went and hid/hung out with a friend of mine whose husband was leading kids around on pony rides on their draft horses. Jeremy helped them by leading one of the horses. We had a lot of fun.
Now, Ryder is asleep in his bed (not on me) and Jeremy is asleep on the couch. And I am crazy for still being up! Good night y'all!